Using & Utilizing the Theme Customizer

Kelly Dwan

But first, announcements.

Valley Summit 2012, August 18th!

Survey results

Survey results

Survey results

Using & Utilizing the Theme Customizer

The links to demos will not work, as they were local on my computer. But you can see the customizer on your own WP site (if it's 3.4+).

Using & Utilizing the Theme Customizer

Introduced in 3.4, but not really announced.

Using & Utilizing the Theme Customizer

Introduced in 3.4, but not really announced.

Allows 'live preview' of installed themes with customization options

Using & Utilizing the Theme Customizer

Introduced in 3.4, but not really announced.

Allows 'live preview' of installed themes with customization options

Needs theme support (but less than you'd think!)

Using & Utilizing the Theme Customizer

Can also use this to change settings on your current theme [twentyeleven child demo]

Using & Utilizing the Theme Customizer

Can also use this to change settings on your current theme [twentyeleven child demo]

But only if your theme uses existing WP functionality [rrn demo]

First demo: Navigation

register_nav_menu('primary', __( 'Primary Menu','twentyeleven' ));

More info about navigation menus

Second demo: Background image

add_theme_support( 'custom-background', $args );

More info about custom backgrounds

customize_register hook

function twentyeleven_customize_register( $wp_customize ) {
  // your code here.

Third demo: Layout options

    'title'    => __( 'Layout', 'twentyeleven' ),
    'priority' => 50,

Third demo: Layout options

    'type'              => 'option', //or 'theme_mod'
    'default'           => $defaults['theme_layout'],
    'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_key',

Third demo: Layout options

    'section'    => 'twentyeleven_layout',
    'type'       => 'radio',
    'choices'    => $choices,

Fourth demo: Link color

  new WP_Customize_Color_Control( 
      'label'    => __( 'Link Color', 'twentyeleven' ),
      'section'  => 'colors',
      'settings' => 'twentyeleven_theme_options[link_color]',

Fifth demo: transport

    'default'        => '',
    'type'           => 'option',
    'transport'      => 'postMessage'

Fifth demo: transport

// Add Transport support
if ( $wp_customize->is_preview() && ! is_admin() )
  add_action( 'wp_footer', 'theme_customize_preview', 21);

Fifth demo: transport

function theme_customize_preview() { ?>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    wp.customize( 'theme_options[blurb]', function( value ) {
      value.bind(function(to) {
        // or whatever you need to do with the new value.
        jQuery('#introduction').css('color', to ? '#' + to : '' );
<?php }

Sixth demo: CSS by koop

activate plugin & demo


Otto's "How to leverage the Theme Customizer in your own themes"

wp-includes/class-wp-customize-manager.php for $wp_customize class

wp-includes/class-wp-customize-section.php for section info

wp-includes/class-wp-customize-setting.php for setting info

wp-includes/class-wp-customize-control.php for base control class & others (color, upload, etc) - start here if you want to create a new control