Meetup Widgets 2.0

Over the weekend I released Meetup Widgets 2.0. There are very few visible changes - the only thing a casual user would probably notice is a warning if the plugin can’t detect OAuth. [OAuth is only used if you've entered your key + secret. If you have, users can RSVP for events through your site. If you haven't entered this info, users are redirected to So OAuth is not required for this plugin to function]

Changelog says…

* Change to using admin-ajax to process OAuth requests, rather than custom file.
* Change basic code structure to work with other (in-development) meetup plugins.
* Add warning message if the server does not have OAuth.
* use `wp_trim_words` rather than writing something custom
* pull apart a translated string somewhat

The really big changes are barely noticeable in this plugin. So why do it? I’ve developed another Meetup plugin that allows users to register & log in to your WordPress (or BuddyPress) site using their login. I’m in the process of writing a separate post about it, & will update this one with a link.

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