New (school) year’s resolutions

I always end up making “new years resolutions” in September. It was a habit that made sense to me as a student — “this semester I’ll actually get up early enough for proper breakfast!” was a common theme (one which almost never stuck past that first week, except for some reason the semester I had an 8am electronics lab). I’ve continued with this habit past college mostly because I’ve still been moving every fall— Sept ’12 I moved to Boston, and this August/September I moved to Cambridge (thankfully not on Sept 1st— never move on Sept 1 in Boston if you can avoid it). I also started at 10up a year ago (on wednesday, to be exact). So September’s always been more of a month of change than January — even the weather starts to change (more so than December → January in the northeast, anyway).

So I make my resolutions now.

As always, I’ll attempt “get up early enough to have breakfast”. I almost attained this one the last few months living in Northampton; I didn’t really start work until 10ish, so I’d try to get down to Woodstar & do some reading (best chai & lattes in northampton, if you’re ever there). Another is more of a short-term experiment: to go dairy-free. I’ve read a few anecdotal stories about a correlation between dairy & congestion/sinus issues, and while there seems to be at least one study proving it’s not a cause, I’d like to try anyway. I mean, it’s probably also better that I don’t drink a giant glass of whole milk every day anyway (I like lattes, ok?). So, I’m enforcing this for at least September, and I’ll see how it goes. I’ve already made a pretty excellent non-dairy quiche (recipe from here, switched out squash for the red peppers, though).

“Speak at a WordCamp” was a real New Years Resolution, however I missed Baltimore’s deadline & Providence didn’t work out… and I feel a little weird about speaking at a WordCamp I’m helping organize (Boston, speaker deadline tomorrow). So I’ve twisted it a little to “speak at a non-WP meetup”. I want to contact Boston PHP & Web Start Women, but I have no idea what they expect in a speaker, so who knows.

I think that pretty much covers it, and at this point I’ve finished my annual assessment, so I no longer need this blog post to procrastinate with. Also, “get up early for breakfast” means I should probably go to bed. :)

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