How to theme MP6 in a plugin


MP6 has some awesome color schemes, but maybe you want to add more. Here’s how you can add your own in a plugin.

Edit (11/19): As MP6 was an experimental plugin, most of the code here will not apply to what’s been merged into WP 3.8. The idea is the same, though (except the customizer colors were dropped).

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New (school) year’s resolutions


I always end up making “new years resolutions” in September. It was a habit that made sense to me as a student — “this semester I’ll actually get up early enough for proper breakfast!” was a common theme (one which almost never stuck past that first week, except for some reason the semester I had an 8am electronics lab). I’ve continued with this habit past college mostly because I’ve still been moving every fall— Sept ’12 I moved to Boston, and this August/September I moved to Cambridge (thankfully not on Sept 1st— never move on Sept 1 in Boston if you can avoid it). I also started at 10up a year ago (on wednesday, to be exact). So September’s always been more of a month of change than January — even the weather starts to change (more so than December → January in the northeast, anyway).

So I make my resolutions now. Continue reading

LESS-ify’d MP6


Note: These instructions are for a branch of MP6 which is currently not up-to-date with the rest of MP6. MP6 is now using SASS, and while the theory is the same, details listed here are not accurate. Check out this post for a more up-to-date method of working with MP6.

There is now a new branch of MP6 using LESS to generate some color schemes. This includes a package.json and Gruntfile.js; so you can build new themes using grunt.
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